The qualities of an inspiring woman – adjectives of personality

Every International Women´s Day, we try to reflect on women who somehow inspired us. Sometimes they are famous, other times historical figures — but often they are just regular women you've never read about in a newspaper. They are our friends, family members or colleagues. We often hold them up as the role models because of their outstanding personal qualities.... Continue Reading →

Build a tower, build a team! Life skills: Teamwork

I have recently come across a very thought-provoking speech by Jack Ma, a world-famous businessman and...a former English teacher! In the speech, he points out that today´s education system is far too knowledge based. He suggests that teachers should also focus on developing students´soft skills: teach values, believing, independent thinking, teamwork and care for others. "Everything we teach should... Continue Reading →

The special dates game

In the following lesson idea, students learn about bank holidays in the UK, design their own board game, practise saying dates in English and answer questions about dates that are important to them.   Level(s): (B1+) Intermediate Aimed at: Teenagers/young adults/adults Aims: Vocabulary in the context of bank holidays in the UK/vocabulary needed to design a game/saying... Continue Reading →

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